About me

Hello! I'm a dedicated tech enthusiast with a strong foundation in both machine learning and full-stack development. I hold a particular interest in the fields of artificial intelligence and web development, where I blend creativity with technical expertise to build innovative projects. My experience spans from developing sophisticated machine learning models to designing and deploying full-stack applications.
I create websites that are not only functional and user-friendly but also visually appealing. I ensure that your product stands out with a personal touch, making it both eye-catching and easy to navigate.

What i'm doing

  • ai-icon

    Artificial Intelligence

    I'm exploring advanced AI techniques, including deep learning and natural language processing, to create intelligent systems that can solve real-world problems and enhance user experiences.

  • ml-icon

    Machine Learning

    I'm developing machine learning models using a variety of algorithms and frameworks, focusing on projects like predictive analytics and image recognition to deepen my expertise in this dynamic field.

  • WebDev-icon

    Web development

    I'm building responsive and interactive web applications, working with both front-end and back-end technologies to deliver full-stack solutions that are user-friendly and scalable.

  • gameDev-icon

    Game Development

    I'm just starting my journey in game development, experimenting with game design concepts and learning the basics of game engines to create engaging and interactive experiences.



  1. Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Professional Studies


    Graduation Degree
    BTech AIML

My skills

  • Front End
  • Back End
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Java


Contact Form

(You can type in the details here, but unfortunately this won't work. But don't worry if I build your form that will work. I can use Reactjs. Nextjs13, Formik, Zod in frontend For backend - Nextjs13 or Nodejs with Mysql or Mongodb and nodemailer as well)